Monday, August 8, 2011

I need help!!!!! I'm SO confused!?

There is this boy who I have liked for three years. Earlier this year, he became the student council president, and asked for suggestions. I emailed him under a pen name, and gave him some good suggestions. I then revealed my true identity and gave him more suggestions. He used one of theses suggestions and took all the credit. He had been replying to my emails every 4 hours and then he slowed down to every few days, then every week. He then didn't email me for three months. After I got my friend to talk to him, he sent me an apologetic message saying he was so sorry, and how he had been so busy that he had deleted my emails. We came to a neutral position, but he never apologized for stealing my idea. Today at my school banquet, he said I was smart and cool. Does he like me? What should I think?

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