Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How do you socialize w/ charity families?

I'm supposed to "mingle" with recipients of a charity I'm involved with at their holiday banquet, but I've never even seen someone like that, especially children! I'm kind of I ignore their difficult past, bring it up, be scarily nice...what do I do?

How do you take care of a beta fish?? my frist beta fish.....?

you have to put them together, or they'll get longley. You have to cram like 10 of them in a 5 gallon tank. they really enjoy that. then, you sit back, watch, and be horrified.

The horrifying BIG BANG!?

Acording to the bigbang the universe evolved from a small point which erupted and created the space time contininum at the time of eruption I suppose the point was rotating rapidly because we are all rotating about somethig and this blast nade the matter split up Now imagine this i have made a small ball with a han full of mud and i place it on the ground and rotate it in hthe process of rotation the mud will be splited up from the ball unformly and at last after the ball is all gone i see a disc of mud so my question is why are galaxies in different shapes but not only disc shaped and spiral. I will also be pleased if you would answer for this Why does a body tend to rotate.

You're sitting in your grave until you ascend to heaven?

The orthodox Christian belief is that the soul goes either to heaven or hell at the time of death. At "the resurrection of the dead" the body is then united with the soul in heaven or hell.

Is he backing off or is he upset about our little fight?

so the same guy that i am so close to who wont sleep with me bought me a beautiful christmas present we went out on boxing day for dinner he ended up having an anxiety attack and i helped him through it the monday before new years eve we had a little spat i doubted him about something he got very upset with me he then became sick with the flu and also decided to quit smoking because of new years i feel that since monday he is different with me i am to afraid to tell him how i really feel yesterday i was with him for a bit he then told me he had to go and pick up his mom to go somewhere but was not clear with his answer later on we ended up at his friends and i found out he went for dinner with a girl friend and two guy friends that we all know i brought a platonic guy friend of mine and it seemed to bother him but it really bothers me about this girl and also about the fact that he did not tell me about going to dinner what do i do should i tell him how i feel or just walk away

Why is everybody trying to conserve money?

Omg!!! Why is everybody saving money and being so cheap. I mean people are going from all designer to walmart. So what if we are in a recession spending money is fun. Yeterday I went shopping and spent $700 on clothes and stuff. It is so annoying how people are like omg we need to save money!!!!!!! By the way i put this in fashion bcaus more people look thare than in finances!

Why Jehovah witness are not True biblical christians?

They changed John 1:1 where it says "and the Word was God" to "and the word was a god" to fit into their cult's belief system.

Will any of these games run on a Macbook? (not Pro)?

i'm pretty sure the sims, sim city and age of empires work. i don't install many games myself, but if you go to an apple shop you will find heaps of games.

Does anyone find this attractive?

I have TONS of pairs of True Religion jeans in dark wash with the orange threading, because they are really cute jeans especially the skinny jeans because they lengthen your legs. Your probably bigger, thats why you dont look cute. Small people really look nice. :]

Atlanta trip help!!!?

Have fun.....bring water. They are having a drought. Make sure you go to the Coca-Cola Musuem (next door) to Underground Atlanta.

Is it true the Oakland Raiders are ranked 32nd in the power rankings.?

and they said if they were a Division I college they would have to rank them at 117 oh yeah, the Broncos would be 116

Why can’t we just have a monarchy? ?

And restore the Ancien Régime in France, and the Kaiser in Germany, and the Tsar of Russia, and an Emperor of China, etc., etc., so that we may return to those glory days when everyone was under a king?

Need a great gatsby quote showing money over love.?

i need a quote from that book that shows that people in that generation valued money over love. If you did not have any money you were usless. Anyone know any quotes like that?

Problem running Half-Life 2?

theres two things you can do to try and fix this problem. one, turn down all the settings in the options menu. and two, get a better computer! your computer sound way to underpowered to run it. first get atleast 2gb's of ram. second a new graphic card. and third maybe an intel core i3?

Grandmas cookies for protein?

You could probably find healthier ways of getting in protein. The quickest for me is protein powders (whey or soy). All you have to do is add water.

Adding radiator to existing system?

My central heating is connected to a Vaillant Combi boiler and I would like to add an extra radiator, is this possible without causing any problems or ineffiencies to the system and how would I approach

Livingstone working with Bin Laden?

look into it futher and you find out that the emissions targets will get even tighter in a few years meaning some ambulances will fall fowl off it . Does this mean the n.h.s will charge you �200 to pick you up in an emergency

Foot on a sewing machine?

I just got my mother-in-laws old sewing machine and noticed it doesn't have a foot on it. I went to local stores looking to purchase a new one but can't find one anywhere. Can I still use the sewing machine if there is no foot for it? I'm working on 2 quilts and need to have them both done soon. I hand stitched the front of both quilts and need to put the batting and back on and figured the sewing machine would be faster. Any help would be appreciated.

A night i put on paper?

4/5 Not bad, in a creepy sort of way. I'm (pretty) sure you didn't mean it that way, but the last line make me think of eggplant. . . XD

Will the Arizona Cardinals be better next season?

Do you think if they can get a better QB and release or trade Derek Anderson, and get some good defensive players, they can be better next season? Or should Larry Fitzgerald and Steve on get outta Arizona and look for greener pastures?

What is this film starring di caprio?

Leonardo di caprio stars. I think he meets a girl, who it turns out his long lost father had d several weeks before. He then meets his father, I can't remember if he knew it was his father, who offers him money to kill the girl he had met as she was threatening to go public and he could lose his high power job. He rejects, of course but his friend finds out and kills the girl. Some more **** happens I think but I can't remember. If I've dreamt it up feel free to make it

I don't know what to do, help ?

Ok so I need some help... I'm biual and I am in love with my bestfriend and that is a fact, I know I love her, she is fully aware of this but she doesn't feel the same we are just really close friends, as I say I love her more than anyone or anything in this world, but the past couple of days I have been thinking that I think I have feelings for the girl she loves, I don't know what to do, should I tell her or wait ?

How can you get out set in tea stains???? My granddaughter poured a gl of tea on her white/off white jacket

I have tried tide, spray and wash, oxy, bleach, ivory soap, and none have lightened the stain hardly any at all. How can I get it out. PLEASE help!

Omg i really need help before tomoro!!!?

hookup can mean more then making out lol it can mean depends on your age but it can mean that. if his is really your boyfriend and not just a one time stand first of all he probably would not use the word hookup and secondly he would understand and except the fact your in experienced.

Sword sharpening? please help!?

sharpening stones are for finishing the edge, the cheapest way to start getting the edge you want is with a fine metal file. if you have a way to clamp it down while running the file gently down the entire length it would be very easy and not take too long. then try your sharpener or a whet stone. be patient when sharpening, results are not instant. hope this helps

My Church wanted to raise money with a spot at a local Biker Meet, I suggested a "Kissing Booth"?

That stuff flew in the 1950s but people are more health conscious now. Nobody wants to pay $5 for a chance to get .

Can you leave the Nivea Countdown stage during new year's eve to get food or use bathrooms?

Thank you Crossfire for the tips on getting to Nivea stage earlier in the morning. Do you have to stay there all day then? We will have teens with us and don't know if we can last there from 8 in morning until midnight. Any other tips?

Any one can recommend good books?

I don't have any off the top of my head but if you go to and type that in, there will be lots of suggestions for you.

My sisters Cat was killed by my Neighbours Dog, what can we do?

I am sorry that your sisters cat was killed. But there is nothing you can do about it. The dog was at home and the cat should have been also. I know how cats are.They like to roam about but you can't let a cat roam into someone else's yard and then when it gets killed try to have the dog put down. I know you are upset but that is a little harsh wanting to kill the dog. It did nothing wrong. It isn't like it came to your house and killed the cat. That is their instinct after all. If you are wanting someone to be mad at I think you should be mad at your sister because she did not watch the cat when she let it out.

Food web help?

so like. i have to make a food web. the animals i have are zebras, gazelles, cheetahs, hyenas, impala, vultures, lion, eagles, rabbits, baby cheetahs, hippo, wildebeast. i also have gr, water and sun. can you please tell me what eat what? i have also to study for two quizes, and two tests. thank you so much!

Does listening to death metal and hard rock music make you depressed?

Not necessarily, it may be the lyrical content or the actual beat and style of the songs that you listen to. Not all hard rock is depressing, have a good search for a band that makes music that is uplifting for you.

Does a President with military background really make a better Commander and Chief?

A lot would depend on the person and what exactly he did in the military. Now if the person was a combat general who has experience commanding entire brigades, entire battle fronts, making crucial decisions at crucial times that experience might be helpful as a commander in chief. Now if that person was a combat pilot, made no command decisions, did not lead a group of troops, I'd say that military experience would be nominal towards being a commander in chief. And let's face it, a president, even with the title of commander in chief, does not make military decisions all on his own. He does not need to possess some great military mind, capable of great military strategy. That is why he has numerous cabinet posts, advisors, etc. To brief him and give him alternatives.

Found a puppy on the street..what should i do?

yes....if the dog seems comfortable with you and ur pet keep it...if not hand it in to your local animal shelter...its a puppy so it will get a home and fast if it cute....the shelter will take care of everything else such as food water and shelter....feel free to ask any questions :)

Tennis Masters Cup in Shanghai!!! What do you think?

Murray has talked about how tired he is a lot and Simon is not the type of player u want to play if ur feeling tired so I think that will be a tough one but I'll take Simon over Murray. I'll take Fed to beat Rod. Dlouhy/Paes to bt Polish team and I'll go for Bjorkman/Ullyett to bt Nestor/Zimonjic. There my picks anyway... Good luck

You know when people sing they have a certain sound in their voices when they hit a vowel . .?

How come when I sing that doesn't happen? How do you sing if I'm doing it wrong? HELP!!! I want to know if I'm singing at all.

What name should we give our little boy? x <3?

i think oreon is better. i agree about the orlando bloom thing. also oreon is a very unique name. very nice

In an automobile battery, if the terminals are shorted by an iron rod, battery gets exploded?

Or, the iron rod gets welded. What if i short it by my two hands, since human beings are also conductors????

What do you think about this Bible verse?: Malachi 3:3 "He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver".

The verse puzzled a church group, they wondered what it said of God's character and nature. A women offered to find out the process of refining silver and tell them at the next study. She called a silversmith and asked to see him work. She mentioned no reason of interest beyond curiosity. As she watched, he held a piece of silver over the fire to heat up. He said "To refine silver, you need to hold it in the middle where the flame is hottest, to burn away all the impurities." She thought of God holding us in such a spot, then again about the verse. She asked if he had to sit in front of the fire the whole time. He said "Yes, not only sit here holding the silver but also watch, if it's left a moment too long in the fire, it will be destroyed." She was quiet for a moment. Then asked how he knew when the silver was fully refined. He smiled, "Easy: when I see my image in it" If you feel the heat of the fire, know God has His eye on you and will keep watching until He sees His image in you.

Help what do you think of this one i just recieved ?

Yes that is another funny one and a good laugh, I do not know who is sending the jokes to you but ask them to send more please.

Alot of guys find me intimidating...y? what DO guys find intimidating in a girl?

The only reason a guy would find you intimidating is if he lacked confidence in himself. He is afraid that he is not smart enough nor talented enough to keep your attention. You probably have a sense of self confidence and you know what you want and do not need anyone to help you to get it. You may have attained a higher level of education or a better paying job than some of the guys. There is something to be said for how you carry yourself...if you walk with presence - like a runway model. Perhaps, your truck is a status symbol and some of the guys are envious that you own such a truck and can pull it off driving it. If you speak with authority, people will listen...that can make some guys a little stand-offish. What ever you do - do not ever back down from who you are to make someone else more at ease. Pull them upward to your level. Be proud of who you are and what you have accomplished in your life. Eventually you will finds some guys that will be just fine with who you are.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Watching TV on the computer for dummies, any suggestions, Hulu?

Hulu's a great alternative if you miss a show or don't have a tv. The only thing Hulu needs to run is flash player 10 which is a free download from Depending on your internet speed, it may take anywhere from a minute to forever (dial up) to watch a show. You don't download the show you want to watch, once you leave that page that your on, whatever show you were watching would have to be restarted all over again. Hulu is limited in the sense that not every channel and show is available. Certain stations or company's want to keep their property away from third parties. But if a show you want to watch isn't available on Hulu, it will direct you to the stations web page where you can watch it (like if available. Happy to help any other way if needed.

Does this girl like me or are we just friends?

You can usually tell if a girl likes you if she plays with her hair when she talks to you, or bites her lip, or twiddles with whatever she has in or need her hands (that's the case for most girls any ways)

Is Ares Ultra PRO legal?

if not, please tell me a good membership sight(you only pay ONCE ). please, im using iTunes and it gets REALLY expensive.

What do you think of this cool fight in under 19's State Of Origin?

Haha, a fight is always good to watch. After watching that I definitely wouldn't be surprised if there's a Ennis vs Hayne fight tomorrow night.

Which statistical test?

You should use statistical hypothesis testing to check whether the null hypothesis that the mean number of people cured from drugs 1 & 2 are the same. The test should tell you whether the null hypothesis can be *rejected* given the data. There are several options -- for the kind of data you have here, a Pearson chi-square test should work.

My hair doesn't hold it's curl?

I use aussie hi hold and hi shine hair spray my hairs hard to curl and this hair spray seems to keep it in place also i sometime spray a little tiny bit of hair spray on my hair before curling( weird right) and it seems to really help. hope i helped :)

What does my dream mean? Please help?

I had a dream that I was staring at myself in a mirror & i had a ring of black around my eyes. I had headphones in & the music was hurting me. My right eye started to become glazed and the white part became a yellowish color & the iris became almost white. Then my eye started bleeding & i was in a lot of pain, but i liked it. Then i was at a concert with a girl who now has a thing with my ex that i am still in love with, & my eye was all better, and she told me that he didn't like her anymore & that i must be stoked & i said i didn't care. Then I was on a patio at a small party after the concert, then i screamed after my friend to come back because she was walking away but she just kept on walking. I started bursting out crying and screaming & my hearing was muffled. My guy friend came up to me & asked me if i was okay, but he was very muffled and i couldn't understand him & he kept talking & laughing while i kept crying. Then i started to cry blood and i felt like i couldn't breathe, then i woke up. Please help me interpret my dream I would really appreciate it, I want to figure out if this means anything.

Why Are most Viking Fans so whiney??

Because a lot of Viking fans are immature children or clless adults. They refuse to accept that it was the Vikings fault that they lost, and just because they got a few bad calls they have to point fingers at the refs. Like you said though, there were bad calls against the Saints to. But they choose to blissfully ignore those calls so that they can make themselves seem like the victims. And unfortunately since its Minnesota they have nothing better to do then ***** and complain on the internet to people who stopped caring over 2 months ago.

How do all you steelers fans feel about getting your kicked today?

this is a great season in the NFL cause it looks like Steelers will be out of the playoffs the BENGALS are on fire. I just want to know how bad it hurts to lose to the lowly BENGALS TWICE (lol) WHO-DA not the steelers

Atlanta Nightlife - bar/clubs any thoughts!?

Hey live in atlanta but wanted to see if anyone new of somewhere may not have thought of yet. I'm 22, in college love 'frat bars' and 'operaish clubs. I've been to Cosmopolitan, opera Lava- this weekend wanting something more casual, if that makes since. Love Hole in the Wall, but go there a lot. Friends have condo on Lenox, and Spring was thinking walkin distant would be fabulous ;-) - but doesnt have to be! Def wanna dance, but not feeling a dresscode like Opera! Anyone got recommendations for somewhere hot?

What shotgun is the Terminator carrying throughout the terminator movies?

I was wondering what shotgun the Teriminator uses in the movies. Its not a pump, but the loading action is more similar to that of a Winchester repeating rifle

Is there a certain special movie that made you interested in acting?

When I was about 9, I got obsessed with Teen Titans and always wished it were a school play hahaha. I was a nerd...

Qu'ran and the Bible - which one is the real holy book?

Actually, the parchments correlating to the Bible were written long before the Roman Catholic church (Universal church) came into existence, some 300 years later. The early church employed the use of letters [epistles] written by the Apostles (Christ's own, hand-picked men) and distributed across the Mediterranean and Middle East. Further, the Bible has 24,000 doents of antiquity discovered and verified by Archaeologists and Historians to back it up. In the light of this, considering that some of the ancient Greek Philosophers have only 10 doents of antiquity, accepted as proof for their existence by many people, the Bible scores well over 100% rating.

What do I do? Guy Trouble!?

First of all your statement here is way too long. Your boyfriend is doing what every young male in his position does "Love em and leave em",believe me when I say he doesn't care about you. He only wants to use you. I know it hurts trying to get over someone when it seems like they are going 500mph getting over you without missing a beat. But if people are telling you to let him go and your better than that, take their advice. I am only telling you this because I feel your pain and I had his mentality when I was younger. I went through a lot of ladies and it was stupid. You will find someone to love you. I promise. I hope this helps you.

Help w/ Government Homework?

Give an example of how the legislative and branch and executive branch can check the power of the judicial branch.

Can/should I give my cat "Smart Water"?

You can help encourage your cat to drink more by getting one of those water dishes that has a little fountain on it..

Signs she likes me back...but I'm shy, what should I do?

Just ask her! You only live once, the worst she could do is reject you and then you just have to accept it and move on! If you don't go for it you'll end up resenting the fact you didn't take the chance when you had it !

Is it wise for america to send 2,000,000 soldiers into russia after russian defeat in jerusalem, israel?

Russia would never do that because their would be a Global Nuclear with mutually ured sestruction of everyone. Is ending mankind's existence on Eartha really worth that? All of the superpowers say no!!

What is the cheapest and easiest way to get from Beijing to Bangkok?

I need to get from Beijing to Bangkok cheap, easy and fast. What is the best way to travel? Bus, train or plane? And what are some websites that will give me more info?

What ethnicity do I look like I am?

you look like the women from the middle east, maybe your roots, i mean your great, great, great, great grandparents came from the middle east, haha, just my views... by the way you're pretty, wish you a lovely day! :)

Please read my sonnet and tell me what you think. =)?

Very nice indeed. I must admit when I saw your moniker I was a little dubious about reading the poem, only to find out that it was completley enjoyable and extremely talented. And the first commentary obviously does not know what a sonnet is. You followed the Shakespearean formula to the end, and I found it quite wonderful. I love the line "But my sleepless nights shall reach their end," that has so much meaning in it. The land will finally be allowed to rest. This is a sonnet of hope, of the darkness coming to an end, and I found it beautiful.

Would you prefer Thammasat or Chulalongkorn for an exchange semester in Bangkok?

I know Chula is a little more prestigious, but I like Thammasat. The quality of the education is not the most important factor to me. First and foremost, I 'm looking for a nice place to live and get to know friendly people. Ideally, the University should also be well organized and I would like to be able to speak English w/ many people. Thanks

When starting a business do i register to be an llc before i register for a ficitious name?

I need to become a Limited Liability company, so would i do that before i register my business name , so that i can but llc at the end of my name? i live in florida

I'm a 15 year old girl and I want to start body building...?

Get a boyfriend and have lots of . It will put a spring in your step and a sparkle in your eye. And you will enjoy the exercise.

How many top contributors are in your contacts{WQ inside}?

WQ. truthfully where do you see WWE's tag team division in the next 2 years completely dead or slowly improving

Will JBL become the new GM of Smackdown?

CAN HE!? I think it would be a perfect fit. JBL on the GM. What do you think? Can it happen? Will it? Do you want it to?

To Christian Readers - Do you believe that the Christian Bible is completely true?

I think the bible is the word of God, I also know that a man wrote it. I believe that it was written to the best of their abilities but we all know how that goes. God will let us know as we get into His word what is real and what is not.

How long does it take to thaw out a 3 lb turkey ?

I have no idea sorry. When we want to thaw out something quick we put it in a bowl of hot water and let it sit. It thaws out so much quicker.

Is it true that Pato won't move out of Milan only because of drug addiction?

The bloke just deserves to have an"R" inserted into his name and be called "PRATO".

Small alligator on roof?

Does anyone know if it means anything if a person has a small alligator hanging from the roof or the tip of the roof? I wasnt really sure where to put this question.

How do you see Obama as Bush III?

I think it very unlikely, no matter how inexperienced he is, that he could ever be a semblance of Dubblya the Clown.

Can anyone help me find a solution manual?

Looking for the solution manual for 'Data Structures and Algorithm ysis in C++', 3rd edition, by Mark Allen Weiss.

Where could i buy Judy Blume books over the internet?

For a while now iv been looking for Forever-Judy Blume. But no libraries have it and the book shops around here dont have any of her work. If you know of a website that has this novel or any of her books it would be greatly appreciated.

Monday, August 15, 2011

How do I explain to him why it takes so long for me to ?

My boyfriend really is a great guy, truly. He's eager to please and wants to learn and be a great lover, but he's watched so much since he was young, and that's tainted his view of and what he thinks women like. He thinks the women in are actually c*mming that quickly and wonders why all the women he's been with, "hold it in for so long," as he puts it. I've tried explaining to him that while some women may actually be lucky enough to finish that quickly, the women in are actors, and the vast majority of us simply can't. It's just how we are. It's like I have to totally retrain him lol. How do I explain this to him better?

Why is the Qu'ran so different from the Bible?

The Bible says Abraham was prepared to sacrifice Isaac; the Qu'ran says it was Ishmael. The list goes on and many points of divergence from the Bible.

Find the magnetic field of a coaxial cable inside a cylindrical shell?

a coaxil cable has a center conductor of radius RA (=.005 m) and a coaxial cylindrical shell od inter radius RB(.015 m) and outer radius of RC(=.02 m). the central conductor carries a current i1(=10 amps) and the outer conductor carries a uniformly distributed current i2(=20 amps) but opposite in directionof i1. Derive expressions (not numerical values) for the magnetic fiel produced at radial points (i) rRC plot the B-field as a function of r. on your graph label points A, B, and C with the appropriate proportion and label values(numerical) on the y-axis for the various interfaces

I need some help! Please tell me what this might be?

This could be many things. A lot of women get fibrous, benign tumors in their uterus as they age, or if they are on the pill. I operated on a woman who had almost six of them in there. While they are not cancerous, they can cause infertility. However, it could also be a calcification of some kind, which needs to be checked out immedietly. Go to the ER and explain your issues. Better to be safe than sorry.

Will the Terminator get Terminated?

Schwarzenegger says Callliiformia must raise TAXES in order to overcome deficits.. Another example of Republican failed do nothing policies,,or is it just the citizens are finally waking up to the facts,,that taxes must be collected in order to have infrastructure and services provided.. I know Republicans have never seen a social program they liked,,but isn't it now ,,enough is enough,,across the entire country?? Or am I missing something.. Whenever I have gone to a cafeteria,,after getting all the goodies on my tray I require,, there is always a cash register at the end of the line.. Why don't Republicans understand that ??

If syria isn't another libya, and libya isn't another iraq, and iraq isn't another vietnam, what is it?

Another useless war where Americans will spend money and die. Just like many of my friends in Iraq and Afghanistan and other places people do not know we are at.

Marrying a lady doctor!!!?

hi all, myself a s/w engineer.i hav got a proposal for marriage..she is completed her MBBS. and wants to do her MD/MS..i hav talked with her..she seems to be pionate about her studies. but 3 years ..i think is pretty long time..we need to postpone family commitments for that much longer.this is the main and only concern for our family. apart from this everything else looks quite all right. i think i can support her. but i am not sure about my parents ...anyone went tru the same thing..please guide me...suggestions from lady doctors are most welcome..thanks in advance

Why Can't I Download Videos From BBC iPlayer?

I want to download the final episode of Tracy Beaker Returns. I've found it on BBC iPlayer but I can't seem to find the download link.

Do you manage to have art of elegance,refined for comfort?

Art of elegane, is smiling at everything which are known or unknown. Polite speech, moving steadily, refusing politely, doing things calmly give more comfort than a Degree from Universities.

Which is the best EEVEE evolution for my pokemon team in Pokemon Platinum?

I suggest glaceon, it would be a good element to your team and an ice type is helpful when you go against the elite four. you get it by leveling up eevee by the ice stone in snowpoint city.

Sims 3 question... help!?

If there is absolutely nothingin the way of them getting into the pool or stopping them from doing certain actions then try reinstalling the game and make sure you download the patch from EA Sims website

Does anyone know a safe site to download music?

like a place where you don't have to sign up and it is free? songs like my chemical romance, elliot yamin, gwen stefani, shakira, ect...

I have allergies and I'm talking musinex cause I have post nasal drip anyone talking it?

If so does it work? I'm so congested I started taking yesterday so I'm only on my thrid pill how long it take?

Is John McCain the new Herbert Hoover?

who wins in a landslide because his opponent was a minority member, Barack Obama similar to Al Smith, who scared away the mes with his religious connections, and who will likely preside over a big economic depression, thrusting him out of office in as big a landslide as he got taken in?

What if it was Dennis Kucinch V.S. Ron Paul... who would you vote for?

Let's pretend that Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich won the Democratic Nomination, and Texas Congressman Ronald Paulbert won the Republican Nomination... who would you vote for?

Can i electrify my letterbox ornament?

we have a letterbox statue thief in the area who stole my 80 dollar eagle and lots of others in the street, its made from resin fibergl, well it was,i would like to replace it and was wondering if there is a way to electrify the bird so anyone that touches it recieves a zap similar to an electric fence shock,if anyone has any ideas it would be appreciated

Easy 10 pointss? plsssss?

With a dark color palette you want lighter colored furniture. It will allow both the wall color as well as your furniture "presentation" in the room. Consider white or white washed pieces. Be sure that the hardware is of a metallic gold to fit in with the elegant look your are creating. You didn't mention what color your carpeting is. If you decide to go with the red carpet be sure to dress up your bedding with a mixture of red and purple pillows. Another luxurious glam look.

For all you TTCers!!!?

congrats ive had the same symptoms but im still getting negatives what do you think this could be?? x

How i can Legaly verified winning award certificate No:-0035?

You can't, that's the point, and if your smart enough to be posting this, I have some ocean front property in AZ that I can sell also.

Chicago-Colorado ..... Gonzalez Hits For The Cycle, Cubs Fan Catches Walk Off While Sitting Down .....?

If he was a true Cubs fan...... he would have thrown it back. While the Cubs can't be mathematically eliminated from the playoffs for another month, I'm time-stamping the team's death certificate today. The Rockies drove a nail in my 2010 coffin

Are there pharmacys that let you just sign for codien cough syrup?

back when I ws a kid mom used to be able to go sign for a bottle of CHERACHOL a codiene cough syrup, for when I had bronchitis as a child.Just wondering if anyone knew, or is there an online pharmacy that I can buy from? My ribs are splitting, and I have no doctor to go to for a lousy 15$ bottle of cough syrup.

If you're in a cold climate right now, has your furnace turned off even ONCE during the night?

You know how it goes in cycles, on, off, etc. Mine has been ON steadily during the night and all morning so far. I can hardly wait to see our gas bill.

Will S-Video cables transmit data in both directions?

I have a home PVR setup. My Dish Network STB is connected to my computer through an S-Video cable. I needed to write a script so that my IR Blaster would communicate with the STB. But will the script even transmit across the S-Video cable or does the connection have to be coax?

I'm having problems with my health. Please help!?

Even thought it probably isn't serious at all, I feel like my body's falling apart. Over the course of the last two months, I've had the swine flu, strep throat and now sick with what feels like my third cold. I've been really sick and worn out. I don't know why my immune system is so weakened. I eat healthy, exercise when I'm not sick (which hasn't been often lately) and take my vitamins. I took antibiotics when I had my strep throat so I'm uming it cleared up since the sore throat is gone. Last night I discovered a golf ball sized lump on the back of my head. I'm thinking it's just a swollen lymph node since I have a lot of pressure in my sinuses from being completely congested. My left elbow has very sharp pain in the joint when I try to straighten out my arm. I've had the pain for three days, it was sudden but comes and goes for a couple of hours. I've been totally depleted of energy and I can't get out of bed if I can help it. Should I go to the doctor? I'm kind of hesitant because I've had some problems with my insurance and I'm still working out the kinks. I don't want to go if I can avoid it, especially if all they can do is tell me to wait it out. What could be going on with my body? Could I still have strep throat and now getting rheumatoid arthritis? What's going on????? I'm so sick of being sick! It's depressing. Any info would be great.. I've spent some time researching on the internet but nothing seems to match all my symptoms.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Is sam bradford more of a tom brady or peyton manning i say brady i know its early but plz answer?

so anyway i was asked who is sam bradford more of brady or manning ive noticed at times bradford at the end of the game and 4th quarter comes up big i know he hasn't done it in the playoffs he hasn't been there yet but he reminds me more of brady plz answer also would u agree the next big rivalry this decade will be the rams and falcons or rams vs packers

Which do you like better? Ariel Grace or Maizy Ariel?

I want to include some family names. We have a lot of scottish in us and Maizy is scottish for Margaret which is my MIL name and my mom and my husbands moms middle names are Grace and Ariel so any new suggestions would help...THX :)

I ate 1475 calories today and Im still hungry, help?!?

Go to the gym if you think ur fat, go to the doctor if you think something is wrong with you but i'm pretty sure you're pregnant.

My facebook has been disabled for affiliation...What does this mean? Can I get it back?

The error message says that I haven't affiliated with my social network in 60 days. What does that mean? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Any tips to make a new Guild?

first find some people that want to join before you start it and find a few higher levels so it looks good but also take in alotta newer players an allow them to repair with guild money and set level req. to use some of the guild tabs that way people have something to help them at new levels tiers and they have rewards forplay and keep helping them in lower level raids

Is this why the US will fall, taken from a page in Roman history?

the fed is why we will fall. these greedy bankers have already made our economy into a giant ponzy scheme. meanwhile, they have been hording gold. soon, they will sponser an "event" that will crash the dollar and cause america to go into a one world government, as exposed in the protocols of zion.

Any one else think Hugh Laurie has used a lot of the character of Edmund Blackadder in House?

maybe a little. i love hugh laurie, and i enjoyed black adder, however did you ever see laurie and steven fry together, those to are hysterical.

Poll: who would you rather hang out with Oprah or Judge Judy?

hahaha...I know...this is a bit random, but I'd rather hang out with Judge Judy. She seems like she'd be pretty cool off of the bench...but I'd NEVER want to be in front of her as a litigant!

Facts about Syria's current situation?

Riiiiiiight, And why is it so difficult to get information in and out of Syria? Why are they blocking media acess, why are they doing these things if the government has nothing to hide??

Squeak noise when i brake and let go of brake?

Have your brakes checked for wear. The noise may be the wear sensors. If brakes have been badly overheated this could also cause this. This means new pads and machine rotors and drums.

Is it vegetarian to use products that ... ?

No Absolutely Not! Its not vegetarian to use any products that is tested on animals, Its complete torture to the Bunnies, Cats, Squirrels ect. and Can sometimes kill them. So if you do buy a product thats tested on an animal than you might as well buy a Cheeseburger from mcdonalds. Hope this helps:)

What happened to Marcus Vick?

What ever happened to Marcus Vick? Mike Vick's little bro. He played for VT and was good but he got into some trouble. Whats his status? is he in jail, free agent, on a practice squad or what? cuz he had Mike's legs and Brett Favre's arm in college so im just curious.

Girls:Is there a good way to do your UPPER LIPS other than threading?

i just hate that painfull process of threading,any other good way that wont harm my skin.because i heard u should never use the razor on your face bcus then the hair comes other thicker once it grows. thanks.

Myspace background/layout please help!!?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why do I get generalised answers from Westerners saying that Chinese people eat everything?

Do Chinese people have a religion of any kind? I don't think so, you can eat anything you want, so why are you complaining?

Heard that Booker T might be a surprise entrant in the Royal Rumble?

yes he is, he canceled his booked appearance for this weekend and he has booked a plane ticket to Boston for this Sunday. Kevin Nash is also going to be in Boston this Sunday

How can i help my dog deal with my cats death?

We just got a kitten (sammy) 8 months ago and our dog (fancy) became Sammy'ss "mother" playing with him cleaning him and protecting him since day 1.. 5 days ago sammy died suddenly and fancy has been mourning since, she has walked around the house whining, not eating, and shakinguncontrollablyy Im getting very worried about her, do you have any advice for me?

What would make my new healthy looking gardenia bush wilt after it was planted in my garden?

Transplant shock is most likely the problem - basically your bush is in shock. This stress can be caused by different things taking place including not watering it in well and keeping it well watered (but not wet!). Newly planted shrubs, trees, plants, etc., require more water after they have been transplanted (make sure the area is well drained so as to not deprive them of oxygen and drown their roots and them). Transplant shock can manifest itself in wilt, yellowing and/or dropping of leaves, and even stunting of new growth. Transplant shock can last for quite a long time in some plants, again depending on the severity. Do not fertilize right now! This will only worsen the situation by making the plant grow more during a time of stress. Just be patient and give the plant time to adjust.

Guys and you think love is just a figment of our imagination?

It seems to me that people use that word all too seldom and actually never back it up with actions. Why is it that people say one thing and do another?

Why are leggings suddenly a pants substitute?

I generally have nothing against leggings, I own a few pairs to wear underneath shorter dresses or skirts, but lately girls have been wearing them to school with nothing over them. They just wear, for example: Black leggings, Ugg boots, and a sweatshirt. This same old same old style is extremely common at my school, and honestly I think the leggings with nothing over them look is trashy. Its just girls trying to show off their es, right? Leggings are tight, and with some girls I can see the outlines of their parts, wtf. When did this become okay? And leggings wearers, why do you do it? Be honest, just showing off your es? :P

I want to upgrade my tropical 10 gallon tank to a 20 gallon?

Okay. 3 or 4 Otos are way too many for a 20 gallon tank. They scavenge for scraps and algae and a 20 gallon tank could not sustain them all. Angelfish are okay... Maybe consider some more tetra? (6 or more) Make sure you cycle your 20 gallon tank... Six tetras, one oto, one betta, and one angelfish would definetaly work.

Am i under weight for my height?

I just turned 16 years old. i am 5'7/5'8. i weigh 120-124. Is that under weight? I am very nervous that i have some sortive problem like cancer or something. both my mom and dad were very thin at my age so i was thinking it could be hereditary. please gave me some help? thanks a lot.

Would Hamilton or Dennis beg Raikkonen to take the lead?

That would be an interesting situation. I suppose the driver who had made the mistake would have to practically stop to force the other driver to p him. The problem would be the cars following the pair in question: in trying to upset the driver who made the mistake, the other driver could find himself under attack from behind. There would also be the rule about not slowing unnecessarily to consider, that could be used to subsequently penalise the driver who was being allowed to retake the position if he took too long to do so.

Adultery forbidden Christian religion?

adultery is a no no in most religions even atheist agree that adultery is bad it is also spread WORLDWIDE people know whats right they just choose not to do it

The US won an unprecedented number of medals in Vancouver.?

Sounds like you are trying to state something rather than asking a question, but I'm not sure what it is.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Now here's my thoughts . . . . If you are ready for the adventure of a lifetime?

I know what you mean, and yes you're right, we have too bend over bakwards for all these immigrants if they don't like our rules and customs then why again are they here? they need too stop taking our jobs that we got BECAUSE of our customs and beliefs (which is why we are ahead) because obviously these immigrants are only here because of our money, and not of anything else (but the funny thing is they STILL think their religon and life is the best when it's the reason it brought them here, because their rules and customs are a joke and leaves them poor stupid thieves.

I have josh hamiltons home run derby bat should i sell it?

sell high! a few yrs ago his memorabilia wasnt going for anything! his value could not be higher than right now... sell it!

So I'm doing a report on this man who played a part in the French Revolution.?

His name was Jacques Pierre Brissot (de Warville), and I have looked all over the the internet and even my local library (which is crap...). So I was wondering if anybody had some information that can be verified in a bibliography. Thanks!

Can you help me with choosing names?

im not sure about boys names but i like - abigail grace - how about carmon, emerald, tiger lily, scarlette-rose, eliza-rose - hope this helped xxx

Ladies: Why do you hold men to this double standard?

I understand you, but remeber say most majority of, never state it as everyone for what a lot of people do, but i do see your point, but not all think that way altho, it can be hard for you to find it that way, women is as diffrent like there are many diffrent shades of colors in this world and mixed.

Modern world studies.?

So why was he brutally beaten to death by Bolshevik thugs and his wife and daughters beaten and d and kicked to death along with his son by Lenin's Bolshevik animals?

"to what extent are wealth and prosperity equally distributed in the world?"?

There is no equal distribution of wealth. Prosperity is a global phenomenon which rises and falls with what the people conceive to be prosperity. Many of the economic woes are the result of m speculation. The traders and the hedge funds are pushing the market. The Buffetts and the smart investors are buying.

The Great Gatsby ytical essay?

choose a character to write about and tell whether that character is either representative or non-representative of the era during which the story took place.

Is Denver gift wrapping the AFC West for the Chargers ALREADY?

This is all seeming very familiar but a little bit to soon. I have not had time to prepare myself for the heartache yet.

In my old neighborhood a lady use to stalk her ex husband?

She would sit outside his ind of house every night and watch his house, she would also drive around the block a couple times. Do you think she lost it and what kind of mental illness would that be?

Is it just me or do you think Rafa's aged a lot recently?

Ya I suppose he looks that bit older. I'm not going to join the band wagon and shout for him to be sacked because Liverpool's problems at the moment are not all down to him (ok he made some bizzare team selections in the past) however what do you expect with American owners who have no idea about football other than their own football game. They are running a great club to the ground and we the fans are helplessly watching this pantaomine happen before our eyes. Fernando, Pepe and Stevie G won't stay in the club for much longer and who could blame them!!

Boy problem :( I've fallen in love in the worst way.. PLEASE HELP 10 points!?

Yes, you're doing the right thing by ignoring him. Guys typically want what they think they can't have, so you're increasing the mystique. If you're too accessible they won't be interested. He needs to come to you and explain why he started acting odd towards you. If he doesn't, then his issue must be bigger than his curiosity.

Similes and metaphors From The Hobbit?

If you lost the book, call up a friend, go to the library, look it up online. Stop being lazy and expecting other people to do your work for you. Maybe you should have gotten this done earlier, then you wouldn't be in this jam.

Does this poem really stress the fact that I don't want a conventional lifestyle?

That's a fantastic poem. I think you've achieved your goal because not only do the words paint vivid pictures, but your writing style itself is unconventional, which only reinforces the point. I love poems that aren't rhyme-y and full of adjectives and I think that you did a great job here.

Omg I can not figure this out!!!!?

I was listening to a song and in one part he says "gave me head in Chicago. I called it Chinese" chi(chicago) nese(knees) I am a slow person so of course it makes no sence to me. Can somebody like explain it because ha I am very confused

Looking for a Specific Old Sci-fi Shareware game, do you know its name?

never played the game myself but it sounds like a game one of my friends played called destroyer could that be it?

In "To Helen" what type of symbol can you find?

I'm doing a essay, I need to know a symbol in "To Helen" By poe. Like the raven its self is the symbol in poe's poem "The Raven" Help please! Thanks

Do you know history, "And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven"?

Protestants take every thing from the bible literally. This is the main problem Jesus also said call no man teacher.

Is she a bad singer? Is this a nasal bad voice? Or a good one?

Because like Rihanna, Cindy Lauper, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez sometimes, etc. some singers have a nasal voice but it's pretty. Is hers a bad one? She's my friend and I wanna know because I see her singing live and Idk how to judge that.

Is it simple minded to give all the credit for success to one party, or the blame?

To me that seems very lazy to think that one party is responsible for all the success or failure of any agenda. Both parties have to vote and very seldom is there enough people in one party to over ride the objections of the other party.

What do you think: If my child goes to a Montessori preschool then goes to a Waldorf elementary...?

These schools aren't totally Montessori schools or Waldorf Schools... their philosophy is loosely based on them. Like I said, the preschool is more Montessori, and the elementary I'm stoked about is based on Waldorf approach. Do you think it'll be fine of I go forward with the plan to integrate them, so to speak?

What kind of red wine to use in cooking?

I routinely cook with white wine, but rarely use red wine in cooking (except in making beef burgundy). If a recipe for a beef stew or beef roast calls for the addition of red wine, what kind of wine do you use? A merlot? A cabernet? Or is there something else? Will any inexpensive domestic red wine work?

What was Your Greatest Black Friday Buy Today?

At wal-mart this morning I got "Where the Wild Things Are", Terminator Salvation", and "The Hangover" DVDs for $5 each!

Friday, August 12, 2011

How do recipes for slow cookers differ from those for a crock pot?

do i look specifically for slow cooker recipes or do i look for crock pot recipes? also, can i cook a pot roast the same way i would on the stove or in the oven or do i have to do something different? i know it shouldn't be but it all seems so confusing.

Albert Pujols?

St.Louis Cardinals 1st basemen Albert Pujols injurys left calf in todays game in the 7th inning. How much hurt is this to the Cards now. Wainwright goes on DL and now Pujols injurys his calf and if I remember right he injuried his right calf a few years back and missed over a month of ball. Can Cards cont.. winning ways without there biggest bat in Pujols?

Edgar allan poe essay?

i need help with a research paper and i chose to do one on cask of amontillado and tell tale heart. i'm just wondering how i can link obsession with murder in these stories? do u believe this is a good topic? if not, can you please inform on another topic to compare/ contrast with these two stories? thanks

Trig help, please help me understand?

how would you find the csc of an angle when your given a standard ABC triangle. opposite angle A is side a = 2, opposite angle B is side b = 1. Angle B is thetha, and I'm suppose to find the csc of that. how would you solve this problem steps would really help. Thanks.

Can I break my current lease if I have only been in the apartment for two weeks? Any leeway or loopholes?

I live in the state of Illinois. (I know rental laws are different in every state) I just signed a lease with my father as a co-signer for 12 months. It has only been 2 weeks I've been in the lease. I just saw another apartment building for the same price with better amenities. I can also get it under my credit - so my father won't have to use his after all. Do you think I can successfully break my lease since it has not even been a month yet? Is so, how much are we talking about to break it legitimately so my dad's credit is not affected? ( btw, he is ok with this change - if it can be done without damage to his credit) Thanks for everyone's responses! :)

Would anyone like to to exchange friend codes on Animal Crossing?

aww, now u have it but my Wii is temporarily broken :( and btw, you need the number in order to add someone. the town name and your name dont even matter. did u even get your friend code number from Copper at the gate? Use this website it is extremely helpful '' If u have any questions ask me, i know everything about this game! :) And please try looking on YouTube for ACCF friends. just search 'accf friend code' or something lol

How fast is my laptop for games?

You will not be able to play any 3D games on this laptop, sorry. Integrated graphics are not suitable for playing games, only for office work, browsing the internet, watching a movie, et cetera.

How close do you have to be for a radar detector to clock your speed?

Radar range varies widely with radar, target (size/shape), and weather conditions. Maximum detection range can be as little as 100 feet, or greater than 1 mile.

Help with stoichiometry?

You have .07 liters of 1.46 M H2SO4 so that means you have .07*1.46=.1022 moles of H2SO4. Because the stoichiometric ratio of H2SO4 to Ca(OH)2 the same amount of Ca(OH)2 is required to neutralize the H2SO4 as you have moles of H2SO4. So, .1022 moles are required to neutralize and you need grams and the molecular weight of Ca(OH)2 is 74.1 you have .1022*74.1=7.57 grams of Ca(OH)2 required to neutralize the H2SO4


My husband and i have been ttc for a year now and have lost 3 pregnancys due to low progesterone and i obsess over getting on the computer and looking up people who got BFP's and i watch the show Birth Day. When is it gunna be my turn? how is it fair that married people that want a baby and can't wait to bring a life into the world have trouble but damn teenagers that don't care get pregnant right away! im sorry for the rant but i just got another negative today also my sister in law delivered her 5th baby today and i just can't stop thinking about it! Can you please tell me some personal ttc stories that will uplift me rightnow i feel like it's never gunna happen....:(

Can you please look at my story and help me write it PLEASE?

Long time ago, there was a "humanist" named Miller Johnson. Recently, his “colony” had been caught up in a war with a foreign nation. The foreign nation had an “absolute monarchy”. The went to war because they wanted to create a “utopia”. Most of the country that were concored by the nation lived by “imperialism”. They had very high “tariff” on goods coming for the foreign nation. They thought the needed to put things in ”perspective” for thepeople. The people were “protestant” and they belived in “heliocentric”. The foreign nation said that they were going to get rid of “theocracy” one and of all…


well pop down harder also watch da fornt of da board also the more u slide ur foot up the board the higher the ollie

Britney spears?

i want to email brit a message is that possible?im a 39 yo. dude and want to let her know im here whatsup

Describe how you would make a 200 mL solution of .350 molar NaOH if...?

Describe how you would make a 200 mL solution of .350 molar NaOH if you were provided with salt water and a flask?

What is the best way to train my dog?

what is the best way to train my dog bruno he is only a few weeks old is that a good time to train him

Here we go again!!!!!!!!?

its only a game people gota start letting these blokes relax and just have fun [but not kkk crap] take a deep breath and move on and the carry on about the chicken thing was just way over the top its only a bloody game why dont we get back to the real issuse of wallace getting thrown out on his ar@e he never has or ever will be a coaches ahole but hes brilliant salesman the nice tan softly spoken im sure we can all see thrue that crap now he has no idea like he bolted out from the bulldogs left them and treid to shaft roos [how lucky are the swans boy they came close to wrecking everything bigtime] its time to get on ya bike ya mug dont look back u had your time in AFL

Should i do this FANTASY BASKETBALL trade?

Take it. You get the ists you need and the defensive specialist in Moon who'll give you the upper advantage with the steals and blocks he produces.

Can a white man and a black woman fall in love if they go to an HBC/U?

I'm wanting to go to Virginia State University, an HBC/U, or Historically Black College/University, and I was wanting to know if interracial relationships occur at those type of colleges since they are now EE/EO/AA (Equal Employment/Educational Opprotunity/Affirmative Action.

How would the difference in the heating and cooling rates of land and water surfaces affect atmospheric...?

How would the difference in the heating and cooling rates of land and water surfaces affect atmospheric conditions above them? In other would the rates affect the atmosphere?

Would this make a nice out fit?

I like the first jacket better, with sleeves, but yeah it would. I would go for shoes with a more vibrant color, though. The coloring of that outfit is kind of dull as is.

Which is stronger ionic or covalent? and why?

I know that hydrogen bonds are the weakest, but I'm not sure if covalent bonds are the strongest or if ionic bonds are the strongest. Some people say that covalent is stronger and others say that ionic is stronger, which makes me confused. To clear things up, which chemical bond is the strongest covalent or ionic? Please help, thanks.

Legal question, if i own half a business..?

And my name is on the lease as 50% owner ( business registered as LLC) , but my partner sold his 50% to a guy without my knowledge and this guy came to the business saying he owns half of it and wanna ruin everything i did in the past six months and acting like a boss , what to do and how to deal with the situation? Is what my partner did was legal? if i called the police to remove the new guy, would he get to stay in the business if his name is not on the lease, just based on that bill of sale between him and my parner? I appreciate a legal answer for this especially people who know about this stuff, thanks

What can be the causes for vomiting, dizziness,diahrria, and paleness all in one?

im very worried about my mother. she hasn't slept and its 4:30 in the morning. ive never seen her so pale. shez so dizzy she kaant get up by herself. any one know wat kan b the problem??

MLK was a REPUBLICAN who've forwarded minority rights the most, which dems blocked! WHY DO DEMS GET ANY CREDIT?

LOL, Democrats were the original slave owners. Isn't that just ridiculous? People need to read up on American history.

Why isn't raven in the cheetah girls one world?

I am sooooooooooooooooooo curious I've never watched it but i know raven is in the first one why isn't raven in it - ( i dont know if raven is her real name or not but you get the idea)

Why take 2012 so lightly?

Even though there is only one possible outcome we could prepare for, you should at least be prepared for it. We are not going to survive global explosions that tear the planet apart. But we can be prepared for what might happen. Like a solar flare that knocks out the electricity around the world for months or years, or global disasters like storms and volcanic eruptions that devastate most of the world. Some one is preparing. Why do you think they are buying all your crappy gold? Because it's a solid currency. You can't knock out the gold exchange. But if there is mive power failure and all of your money is in the bank you are out of luck. Can't get money that can't be seen or touched. I am going to prepare for what I can prepare for and pray. Want to join me?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How good of a gaming computer will this be?

okay well that is a great kik azz computer the only thing it u need a 64bit of vista to use all 8GB ram just get the vista home P 64bit and ur set :)

Am I out of line or is he?

He told you he was drunk. Why would you encourage him to DRIVE you home? At least he was willing to walk you home.

Atheists - do you take it as a compliment when...?

I find it annoying, the same way when it's annoying when a fundie asks a very rude question about Atheists and chooses the only stupid person who agrees with her as the best answer. You know who you are!

Things to do while you're a teenager/high schooler?

bowling, beach bonfires, bonfires in itself, go to the school games, dances, pep rallys, among other activities, join clubs, etc. ENJOY IT!!! Those years never come back =)

What, if anything, is wrong with their thinking?

A logic teacher announces that a surprise test will be given the next week. The students reason that the quiz cannot be given on Friday---since, if it were, the students would know at the end of cl on Thursday that the quiz would be on Friday, so it would not be a surprise. Likewise, the quiz cannot be on Thursday---since, if it were, they would know at the end of cl on Wednesday that the quiz would be on Thursday (because it cannot be on Friday), also making it no surprise. Continuing with this logic, the students eliminate every day of the week, conclude that the test cannot be given at all and are shocked when it is given on Tuesday. So, what, if anything, is wrong with their thinking?

Why doesn't McCain or Palin refute the violence and threatening behavior coming from their abusive supporters?

you must of learned allot about how racist your family has been from the liberal college you went to

Drop Marshawn Lynch for Cadillac Williams?

...since Williams is showing promise and Lynch is out for first few games. Who do u think will be better down the line?

How do you put myspace back to clic view?

I know you click page themes then clic view but it's not there to click. i've had that problem before but after a week it was finally there but it's been like 3 weeks now and it isn't reappearing. I hate the new look it's sloppy in my opinion.

Does anyone really need an apple cozy?

I crochet as a hobby. I google image things like "crochet patterns" to get ideas. I came across the most insane thing I've ever seen. An apple cozy. Just google that to see what I mean. There are also pear and banana cozies. These are crocheted or knitted pouches that fit perfectly around the fruit. I read the blog of someone who designs these, and they claimed that these prevent fruit related mishaps. I can't think of how these things can be seriously useful. It's driving me crazy. I put an apple in my purse everyday for lunch. No problems yet. I'd like to hear from people who think this is a useful item.

What does obama stand for?

im doing this project and i need to answer that for instance i said he stands for inspiration and prosperity..any more ideas of wut he can stand for????

Wwe house show question with BQ?

It is a chance to see WWE but..There will be no huge stage or cameras or anything. Just a ring and some music for there entrances. No titles will change hands do to the fact it is not being filmed. I have been to a few shows most of the good superstars leave early. The only one I have seen sign anything is Maria. So if you are expected a big show that is not what your getting. You basically watch them practice.

Lead in lipstick?

yea ths is ture tht lipstick is so harmful...but wat v do.....if a girl don't put a lot lipstick on her lips at tht time she thought tht she is nt beautiful......................hmmmmmmmm

Are my childhood comic books a good financial investment?

I've been reading alot about investing in gold, silver, business ventures, and shares of stock. I know that comic books, like baseball cards, can change (usually increase) in monetary value. I have over 2,000 comic books from my childhood and most are in mint or close to mint condition. Are these comic books a worthy investment?


Who will kick the most goals for Geelong.....(Geelong V Carlton) tomorrow!!!? i want to have a bet and i want your top 2 picks for geelong. Thanks heaps guys!

What should I tell my hairdresser if I want this hair cut?

I deffinately agree with the previous answers. Just take the pic in with you. Usually a few (2 or 3) of the same or similar cuts to give the hairdresser a better idea of exactly what you want

I'm the same height as my bestfriend, but....?

Your body frame and genetics would make a difference. My best friend and I are also the same height, but I know I'll never have the same body shape as her because we are built different. If you want to lose some weight that is ok, but just because she is 70kg doesn't mean you need to just need to be healthy for your body frame (bones, muscle, shape, etc.) I hope that helps. Good luck.

How come when Romney wins the CPAC straw poll...?

True both parties do this to paul,republican view him as an eccentric(albiet with a seat in their favor) and democrats as a loon.

I need a diet plan for 19 yeras old girl.?

I am 19 and weigh 45 kgs. I don't have any healthy habit as i don't drink enough water and don't exercise. My eating habit is a disaster. I want to improve my lifestyle. So please HELP ME!! write me a complete healthy diet plan please.

Which carpet steamer brand is better...Hoover or Bissell?

HOOVER Deep Cleaning SteamVac or Bissell ProHeat 2X Select Upright Deep Cleaner. To those who have used either pls tell me which is better?

Any freeware to burn avi to dvd?

If there is no free one for you, you can have a try of this DVD Creator for Mac. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Hope this will help.

Tax question relating to a gift of real estate (I asked similar question before but need more opinions)?

I don't think there's any way out of this. Normally, "gifts" are not taxable to the person who receives it, but in this case the lots would take the place of the fee. So your boss has income equal to the value of the lots at the time he receives them. He possibly could "gift" you a lot, and there would be no tax affect to you, but the IRS would probably challenge it and say that it was a bonus. You might win, and you might lose. If it is a "gift" to you (which if he's not in the habit of giving you a bonus after a successful job, it could wind up as a gift, considering you've been lifelong friends) then there is no tax to you for receiving the gift, but there would be taxes when you sold the lot. If you held the lot for more than 1 year it would be taxed to you as long-term capital gain, which is taxed at a maximum rate of 15% (5% for those in the 10 or 15% brackets). Your boss would also have capital gains taxes as well if he sold his lots for more than they were worth when he receives them. I don't think you both can avoid taxes, but I have given you my best idea to minimize them.

Our new kitty wheezes and meows like a creaking door... is this abnormal?

If Kitty is wheezing,the poor baby could have bronchail asthama, lungworms, upper respiratory infection, I could name more but, I think even though you just had kitty to the vet, I would take her back & have them give her another look and tell them your concerns. Make a list of questions so when you go, you don't forget anything you want to ask. Tell them about her meow and her breathing, any and every little concern you have. Remember, Kitty counts on you don't wait 'til it's to late.

Is there any way to be a marine biologist without dissecting animals?

I wanna help animals, not probe around in them. Is there any way I could be a biologist and not dissect? If so, what is the occupation called?

Snakes and my marriage in dream... What does that mean?

before 2 days i had a dream in which i am getting ready to go in mandap for marriage where my husband and family is waiting for me but i am unable to find a matching bindi ( an ornament ladies stick between their eyebrows on their forhead in india) and the dream broke, next day i saw a dream in which i saw a got a snake bite on my right hand and its turning pale i am fearing of death and shouting for help in front of my mom dad to tie some thread on my arm immediately so venom does not flow in my blood but they are reacting very slowly and my mummy very slowly searching for a suitable thread and keep on throwing unsuitable ones an i am continuously shouting help me as if i die my soul will not get free. And that dream also end there. And last night again i saw a giant cobra running behind me and mom to bite and we are running from one home to other to save our lives sometime mom is there to protect me sometimes absent this dream also ended here. You never dies in your dream. But when opened my eyes the fear was enough to make me die i went to washrum and slept back after getting relaxed. Can someone tell me the meaning of these dreams.

Who can revive good songwriting?

The babyboomer generation brought about the amazing, socially conscious, and still popular songwriting of Bob Dylan, John Lennon, and Neil Young. Now, with another seemingly endless war at hand, who has the insight, intellect, and charisma to revive the socially conscious and still popular song? Popular music now is all -and-bling hip hop without any social consciousness whatsoever - who can we count on to have a catchy, popular melody and lyrics that really make you feel something and convey ideas that you've never had before?

Honda Civic and snow help?

I bought 4 steel wheels from 2 different sources for $90 and put on 4 Firestone snows for another $400. Not really cheap, but I get thru everything here in Buffalo NY. You can probably find cheaper tires,, but the rims were hard to come by since my 2001 Civic has 4x100 14" wheels.

Want some statistic exercises?

I have a midterm in statistic next week and I need to do a lot of exercisess to practice mostly in probability so help me if any one know a good website that I can find questions and for sure with its answers I prefer if it could be on probability.

Refined carb..........................…

As you know, in the refining process, the part of the grain that contains most of the actual nutrients is removed, leaving the pure white starchy part. Your body needs those nutrients along with the starchy part to be properly nourished, so after eating refined carbs, you start craving more and more food to "make up" for what's missing, and overeat on the higher calorie starchy items. The body makes insulin to usher the nutrients into the cells, and with no nutrients accompanying that starch, it's converted into fat by the liver and stored in the cells instead of feeding them what they actually need.

Samsung Blackjack vs. Palm Treo 750?

The Treo is geared more towards business people, so it comes with things like Microsoft Office. The Blackjack is more for the casual user who just wants to browse the internet and such. One big difference is the Treo comes with a touchscreen and a stylus, while on the Blackjack you have to use the nav ons and scroll wheel on the side to get around (which can get very tedious on big web pages). If I had to choose I'd get the Treo.

Ramadan: Al-Hussain or Saddam Hussain, who would you choose?

less than a decade ped since his death and sunnis forgot all about his tyranny.. they say "well, he said the shahada before he died" well, so did fir'awn

What do you think of the name Harvey Cohen?

we are about to give birth to our third child - a little boy (after two girls) but are stuck on the name.. comments would be much appreciated

What does this mean??? Describe a specific scene?

I would say to relate it to another scene in the same movie, cause your also going to relate it to the film's overall story. I hope that makes sense.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Please help me with this, what should I do? (I apologies it's so long)?

This sounds very familiar!! A very similar thing happened to me when I was about 13. If you�re somewhere around that age, I can tell you that it�s not real love, it�s a crush. Even though now it�s eating you up and at night you stay awake just thinking about him (am I right?) it will slowly p and fade away. Is this boy gay? If not, you�ve got to think that he probably finds this embarring and hopes that if he ignores you, you�ll forget him. Although this seems like dumb advice, you�ll see in a few months when you look back that I was right. It�ll soon p, good luck xx

Please help!!! :] !! what should i do?!?

talk to him and tell him that you like him. then he will know not to be bothered by your friends. good luck, though, i can see how that would get annoying. or talk to your friends seriously about how it bothers you

Fish buying help!!! Dh? water hardness?

Okay so y'all may have gotten my previous question and thank you so much for your generous answers. Now i have narrowed it down to two fish, The platies, and The neon tetra. All the research i've done has shown that they like the same food, ph level, they are in the same water temp range, etc. The only thing is they like the water hardness (dh) different from one another. The tetras like a dh in the range of 1-2 and the platies like it from 10-12. Is this something to worry about? Will one be able to tolerate a higher or lower water hardness? Will they beable to survive in like a range of five? If you guys know any more differences between them let me know. And give me more (fresh water) fish ideas!!!!

How can I *glam* up my style?

Every time I see pix of celebrities in magazines I think, I wanna do that to my hair...or do my makeup that well! I don't have the money to get it done though and don't really want to do it myself. How can I get more refined and glamorous? (I'm not talking like wearing a gown on the red carpet, just doing more fabulous hair and perfect makeup...)

PLEASE PLEASE TAKE A MINUTE TO ANSWER THIS! S*X adn LOVE..but i have no idea how to do the first, HELPP!!?

ok am currently a virgin but almost lost it. i recently moved from my home town to a big city for uni and i already miss my bf. He always wanted to do it but we agreed that we will do it when i go back home in december. but after my farewell party, he slept over and kind of forced issues but we still didn't do it. It was a close call. Now this is getting me more anxious for the 6 months, what should i expect? i feel like i should experience some things now to please him later because i have no idea what needs to be done... i love him soo much and i want him to be happy with me. HELP!

Is it really safe to leave a crock pot cooking all day when no one is home?

I want to cook a meal in my crock pot, but I am worried about leaving it on all day while no one is home. Is it a fire hazard?

I Have A Droid X with Page Plus but 3g does not work why?

i just recently got page plus on my phone.....but 3g does not work on it. It stopped the same day on 11PM that night.........why? I got the unlimited plan.....i think it was 40 for unlimited im not sure but yeah it was working fine! but then it stopped? idk why but yeah and its saddening :/

What are your favorite foods out of these?

if I had to live out the rest of my life on a desert island with just one of these things, it would be chinese food, all the way.

Are Christians willing to travel back in time to see what really happened in history?

uming that humans one day figure out how to travel back in time, would you be willing to travel 2000 years into the past to see if Jesus really walked on water and turned it into wine? Would you travel back 6000 years into the past when creationists claim you should see dinosaurs? Of course if creationists are right, they will see these things and scientists will have egg on their face but what if you don’t see these things? What if Jesus was a regular guy? What if you have to go 65 million years into the past to find dinosaurs? Would you only abandon creationism or abandon Christianity all together? (and please don’t tell me that you don’t care because you know you’re right, just tell me what you would do if you’re wrong).

Is my team good i use lucario giratina empoleon staraptor palkia dialga pls rate it?

For fighting the elite 4 yeah but anyone else no. If you want a real team for playing people make sure you don't use giratina, plakia or diagla or any other legendary pokemon.

How can I vote in EU parliament election (from the UK)?

I live in the UK but I am a member of another EU nation (Sweden). I want to vote in this years EU parliament election next week. However I have never previously voted and I have not yet registered on the electoral roll (that the council runs). I find the system with electoral registration confusing and I don't know what I need to do! Please, please help me with some clear instructions on what I need to do!

Is the song "the day the world went away" by Nine Inch Nails supposed to cut off at the end?

I just got that song from the Terminator: Salvation trailer on iTunes, and my version cuts off abruptly at the end of the song. I was just wondering is that how it's supposed to end, or did I download a dud?

When's the last time the Detroit Lions won a Monday Night football game?


Is my poem okay, or does it suck?

it sucks big time , in my opinion poetry is not your cup of tea,even if you pay me money i won't read such poems, this is the worst poem that i have read on YA, sorry for being rude just being honest.

Is it ok to take dietary substitutes.?

After you cross the age of 40, it is necessary to have dietary supplement like you mentioned in your question and these have no side effect but we should consult a Doctor before taking these. People under 40 should not take these as they can become dependent on these for good health, for these a balanced diet is enough

Hmmmm....Guys only please?

my boyfriend just got back from a 3 week vacation. The whole time he was gone he was calling me and texting me telling me how much he missed me and loved me etc...He got back a few days ago and it seems like he is going out of his way to not hang out with me. We were suppose to meet up and go camping but he didn't return any of my calls or texts and today things just keep on coming up and preventing us to hang out. He went to go do some stuff and he told me he would call me when he was done. Its been almost 3hrs and no call. What do you think is going on with him? And I understand giving space because I need space too but he's been gone 3 weeks and I miss him! Please help?

So are carbs ok for weightloss or not?

Carbs are an important part of your diet,and are vital for fueling the body.Excess carbs however,especially simple ones such as sugar is nothing but empty calories and should be avoided because excess carbs,if not utilised end up being stored as fat.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Is it just me or are most of the people you are surrounded by ...?

I have many different groups of friends, and I have been trying to get rid of all the people who put a negative impression on me. I have started cutting long friend relationships off bc of this. It seems like everywhere I go they I keep running into negativity. They are just ruining themselves with being negative. It seems they are always hating on someone else, or talking bad or just swear constantly or ignorant not only to eachother but others as well. Seldom will I find someone who is a genuine or not dramatic. Is it because Im a bit more pive and not aggressive enough? Is anyone out there genuine anymore? Should I put up with my negative surroundings and old friends, because friendship means a lot to me but I feel the way they talk to eachother or hobbies arent even close to mine but I enjoyed my past times with them

Did the wwe all of a suddenly get stupid 2day?

monday was 1 good @$$ draft! good ending & a good try to get us. but seriously, all of a sudden they got stupid. they barely payin attention to ECW. After the Kofi/Shelton match it was boring. now, hornswoggle to ECW and they brake up another tag team? Londrick? WTF!? what are ur thoughts?

Should I be feeling this way?

I got a D- on my midterm history test today.... I am very thankful that my Mom is letting me retake it, and I promise I will do my very best, but at the same time I am thinking that my parents would be better off without me. Should I feel that way?

Heidi Montag or Lauren Conrad?

I totally love Lauren better. I hate Heidi because she totally left her friends for her boyfriend that treats her like crap. Lauren is also more mature. On the second season of The Hills so far Heidi and Lauren have bumped into each other twice, and both times Lauren minded her own busniess and Heidi tried to start conflics--let me rephrase that DID start conflicts.

Please Please Rate My Poem?

Unless you have a different dictionary then I do there is no such word a drury. I looked it up and didn't find it. Why is their stomachs full of sickening bile important? Is it just put in to rhyme with went on awhile? Work on it some more.

Knee and hip pain. it is quite painfull to walk and it hurts just to move.?

it has been hurting for awhile. i am 17 and have had knee problems in the past but this makes the pain worse. most of the pain is in the hip

To kill a mockingbird help with essay?

I have to wright this essay on on the differences of an cunningham,ewell an finch....yes i have read the book but i need some more to start it...if you can help that would be great

Are the days before Christmas and anticipation of it better than the actually day ?

Once the kids rip open everything and sit there dumb founded,it's always a disappointment.I spent months shopping for what I thought would really make them crazy happy and they're just DUH!

Speed=distance/time maths question. please help?

We know that for 20 minutes she ran at 9 miles per hour. That's 9 miles in 60 minutes. Dividing by 3 will give us how far she ran in 20 minutes. So she ran 3 miles in 20 minutes. She ran another mile in the last 10 minutes, for a total of 4 miles in 30 minutes. Multiplying by 2 will give us the number of miles ran in an hour. So 8 miles in 60 minutes. Thus she ran an average of 8 mph.

Is the month of ramadam the same dates worldwide?

It doesn't seem fair that those in the northern hemisphere will have to fast for longer than those in the southern hemisphere, at this time of year.

First day of school already?

umm a good hair style is the wave i love that hair style its so cool.have a nice day of school and dont worry 7th grade is really easy!

What is a good 120mm fan that isn't too expensive?

I have a DELUXE X-KHAOS ATX MID-TOWER with one 120mm fan in the side and space for one in the back. I am looking to flip the one in the side to blow air in, and put one blowing air out in the back. If it has an led I would like either red or multicolored. I am either going to buy one or two 120mm fan(s) from ebay, newegg, or amazon, and I wanted to know what is a brand that is going to move a lot of air, last a while. If you have any advice about my situation I would appreciate if you posted it even if it isn't about just the fan type.

Any Advice on Obtaining a Desired MOS?

uming that you qualify for the MOS that you want I would play hardball and tell them you're not going to join unless they can promise it to you in writing. I joined I was promised firefighter but didn't get it in writing and almost became EOD (bomb defuser)

Noise Song For Sunday #68 (Hi)?

That was really good. I love the preppy/happy sound it has to it. It sounds like something to dance and jump around to. :D

Are ford and vauxhall wheels interchangeable?

someone has offered me a nice set of alloys of his astra for my escort but im not sure if they will fit

An excuse to touch her?

Just do it as you look as though you are clowning around and say sorry just being silly if she is not comfortable with being touched in those places. Or do a sleep over with truth or dare then dare her to let you touch those places.

WHITE PEOPLE: Help me understand this?

I agree with who ever mentioned that wealthy celebrities have their ways of being proved innocent. There are other cases involving murder and looking at the evidence and the statements makes it obvious that the person is guilty but for some reason are proven innocent. I don't care about racial standpoints with celebrities and crime, murder, whatever, It's mind boggling to know that money give people many opportunity even with crime,

My dog has a rash!!!!!!!!!!?

I had a dog that lost all his hair on his rear every summer and come winter is came in beautiful. After repeated trips to the vet, we decided to try another vet. They told me he had eczema, suggested using Bag Balm or Udder er on it and treating him often for fleas, as he also had an allergy to flea poop. That's why his hair would grow back in the winter, cause the fleas would die off. I understand how frustrating this can be when you take the to the vet repeatedly and don't get a solution to the problem.

Photograph of Edsel Cramer with Barbara Jordan painting?

The photograph was taken at the state capitol in Austin, Texas, showing the painting of Barbara Jordan that Edsel Cramer painted. The painting hangs in the capitol building in Austin, Texas.

What are some good alternative/punk rock or dance/techno bands?

I like mostly rock but i also like techno/dance genres too. I listen to Escape The Fate, Alkaline Trio, Daft Punk, Foo Fighters, Zebrahead, and other things. If you have any good suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them. No rap plese (:

Best online casino for blackjack and slots, please?

I posted a question earlier about free money to play blackjack at an online casino. I really like the slots too. Where's the best place for both? The other day I found a casino with different bonuses depending on the type of game that you play. I can't remember which casino it was, but why would online casinos have different bonuses depending on the type of game you like to play? Doesn't make much sense to me.

How do you use a snowboard wax iron?

Is this a serious question?... just turn the iron on, drip wax... heat wax on base to drip it into the small pores of the board... sc off wax... job done, just make sure the iron isn't to hot, if the wax is smoking then it's to hot.

My sun is in Aquarius, my moon is in Capricorn and I'm an ascending Pisces.?

To put it in the simplest of terms, I'm constantly confused. I'm very into astrology and I think that has a lot of influence as to why I feel such confusion as well. It's as though I can actually feel the pull between all of these conflicting signs. I've always been a bit disconnected, but these past months it's almost as if I've gone within my own fantasy world so much that this conscious world has become foreign to me. Example: I look at a fork and know it's a fork, I know how to use it, but it just seems so strange to me. I've taken the term "alienated" to the next level. But, I suppose with help of the Aquarian in me I do a fair job at hiding this extreme disconnection. It's truly led me to have even more low self esteem than normal. I've become extremely self cautious, almost paranoid, afraid people will notice just how disconnected I am. Can anyone give me some worthy advice? (preferably an astrologist)

Does anybody own the book controlled unleashed?

I don't have the book yet however I have read part of it. Does your dog have a good "leave it" command. That's what I tell my bird dogs when we are playing the obedience game and not the bird hunting game. He's shutting down because he feels that the birds and dogs are more fun than you are. Actually shutting down can be a part of the training process. What you need to do is not let that be an excuse to stop your training. In the whole scheme of things we actually expect very little from our dogs. I don't allow my dogs to shut down during training. What the controlled unleashed method does is gives them permission to look but not to be obsessed. It is a form of desensitization that works quite well with many dogs. Done properly the method actually decreases the obsession

Do you think we are destroying ourselves?

The more I observe, the more I realize that it seems like we are destroying ourselves. The Japanese earthquake and the Alabama tornado...etc. Many of these types of events are occurring more often. Our ozone layer is shrinking, so that causes abrupt weather/temperature changes and natural disasters. And, the carbon dioxide is harmful to us, humans. Pollution from factories and automobiles. And the way how we deal with our trash at daily basis. Not only we are destroying ourselves, we are destroying other living things around us. This issue sometimes makes me angry because it seems like no one is doing a thing! They will mention about it like how it is such a big problem and how we need to fix it... but no one is doing a darn thing! I don't see any way how we are helping and caring for the planet we live and survive in.

Tracy Morgan's anti-gay comments: Do you forgive him?

"Tracy is a moron. He's a loveable and very funny moron, but a moron. I mean, the man is like a black Forest Gump. Honest to God. He's not a bad person. Don't hate Tracy Morgan. Hate his stupidity. And unless you have a cure for stupid, there's not much you can do but forgive Tracy Morgan." - Baldwin.

Fighting with myself over..?

My husband and I have been together 5 years, married 4 1/2 years. In these past 5 years my husband and I have been though so much to test our marriage. We have fought over his computer game addiction and miscellaneous other things that make my skin crawl when he doesn't listen. We have 2 kids together and I know exactly what it's like to live with a mom that is married but lives single and a dad that was always distant and always away. Just in the past couple of months I have realized that I am feeling more and more drained and depressed over fighting and I find myself hiding in order to avoid a fight cause I don't want to be edgy. He seems to listen and things only become a temporary fix before things go back to the way they were. I am on the brink of combustion. Does anyone have any helpful hints as to what I can do or should do to make either myself happy or my life a better place?

Recently updated my top 10 names for each gender... What do you think of them?

Most of them are very nice names...There are a couple of them that I don't necessarily like...But, it is your choosing, not mine...

Monday, August 8, 2011

Is it wrong that I want to be ruled under a king of noble birth then under a president?

I don't know why.But I have a deep love for monarchy.Even if I am a peasant beggar sitting in the streets.Is this strange?

Who on my team would you start on week 1?

I would start Barber over Williams and then I would drop one Qb and pick up another RB and I might start Cotchery over Holmes

How many days after implantation bleeding were you before you got your bfp?

It's not common to get a positive until it's been about a week. It takes time for the pregnancy hormones to build up.

Is water consider an acid?

I've been told that any substance that releases hydrogen ions are acids so if HCl (Hydrochloric) and H2SO4 (sulfuric) and acids is H2O considered one??

I need help!!!!! I'm SO confused!?

There is this boy who I have liked for three years. Earlier this year, he became the student council president, and asked for suggestions. I emailed him under a pen name, and gave him some good suggestions. I then revealed my true identity and gave him more suggestions. He used one of theses suggestions and took all the credit. He had been replying to my emails every 4 hours and then he slowed down to every few days, then every week. He then didn't email me for three months. After I got my friend to talk to him, he sent me an apologetic message saying he was so sorry, and how he had been so busy that he had deleted my emails. We came to a neutral position, but he never apologized for stealing my idea. Today at my school banquet, he said I was smart and cool. Does he like me? What should I think?

When Sharia law becomes the main law in America?

Salam Alaikum my America brethren. When the Sharia law eventually takes over America and we finally put an end to this promiscuous madness and immoral teachings the West has so long called their Culture what change will we see in the overall society in moral upstanding?

I have Geographic tongue and....?

I cant find any information on small red dots on the tongue. I found three small red dots on my tongue while brushing my teeth, I do have Geographic tongue and it does get really bad sometimes but I haven't eaten anything today that would have set it off. The dots are a bright red kind of like they are bleeding from the inside, and there's a very very tiny clear dot in the middle of the red dots. I am 18 weeks pregnant I dont know if that has anything to do with it or not, but i have lived with geographic tongue all my life and have never had anything like this before.... they dont hurt but sometimes they do feel like they are tingling like the tingle you get when your limb falls asleep but it doesnt last long at all. I dont know if this is something I should see my doctor for or not, please any suggestions???

After reading John 21:25, what is the problem with additional scripture?

John 21:25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.

How to get his attention in cad cl.............?

so this guy sits behind me in cad. and hes SOO cute. and we've flirted A LITTLE, not a lot. just a little. and yesterday, i waited to walk with him, nd he kinda gave me this weird look. i dont know if it was a bad or good look. but it sure was weird. and he sits behind me, and talks to this other person during the period. so i dont know.... but hes so cute!!!!

Why dont black men realize that white women are ONLY with them for the money and nothing else..?

I mean come on!!! Kobe Bryant Hispanic Wife, Tiger Woods White Ex Wife, Dennis Rodman White girlfriends, Kim and Khloe Kardashsian Husband/Boyfriends. You cant tell me if all these guys were single they would be dating them. But they like the non-exotic looking woman with poor cooking, terrible aging, manly body shapes, a fake tan, bad skin (that will make her look like shes 40 when shes 30), thin lips no etc.. They are only with you for the cash, why do you think so many white men have moved on to dating asian girls? They dont want to put up with white women either.. What can i do to change my people from inter-mixing with the white chicks? They just want cash.

Are the Yankees desperate enough to put Joba in the rotation right now?

Hughes and Kennedy both have ERA's over 8 and simply are not getting the job done. We need joba in the rotation, because we cannot afford to lose 3 or 4 times a week.

What type of fish are these and can you tell me some info. on it?

These are gl fish. They have been cruelly injected with die. It would be as if someone were to stick a pencil sized needle into your body repetitively to give you a different color. It is evil, and the fish will most likely die from infections or stress. I would not suggest buying these fish, not only because it is supporting animal cruelty but also because their chance of survival is sadly very poor.

Should I wait to tell DH I'm pregnant?

I got a BFP today and I really want to tell DH when he gets home from work. I was thinking about waiting until Father's Day so he can open a pos test as his present. What's 3 more day....uh this is going to kill me keeping it a What do you think?

Poll: New York from "I Love NY", Tyra Banks, Oprah, Paris Hilton, Kimora Simmons or Janice inson?

Kim Kardashian? Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, Donald Trump, Rosie O'Donnell, P. Diddy, Beyonce, Karrine Stephens? Lindsay Lohan? Rosie O'Donnell? Who is the most annoying celebrity? Least annoying? Opinions?

Men and Women would you rather date someone extremely nice that was highly unattractive and nonappealing or?

Personality over looks--completely! I will NOT go through another threatening jerk ever again! Because, if you love someone for the way they treat you and make you feel special, then they become attractive on the outside as much as inside.

I've been using the red plugs of an rca cable to connect my jbl subwoofer to my home audio receiver but need?

to know if you can substitute a digital coaxial cable to make a connection between sub and home receiver?

A microscope gives a total magnification 1500, but the image is too blurry to be useful. uming that, cont..?

A microscope gives a total magnification 1500, but the image is too blurry to be useful. uming that all optics are clean, what might be the problem with this microscope?

I haven't got anyone else to talk about this too. Please help me?

Fml. fml. grr my life is the worst. i have no one to talk to about this so i hope you guys will help. first my dads girlfriend and her two daughters have changed everything, we used to go to our nannas every saturday and have dinner there and stuff but now we dont because my dad is too busy dropping her and her two daughters off back at their house and in the mornings when we got up dad asked made us toast and tea but now even if my dads girlfriend gets up after us he always asks her if she wants a cup of tea and just her no one else and i said dad can i have one please and he said yeah later and no matter the situation she is always first, food, hugs, everything and on christmas day we ALWAYS record us opening the presents and but this year my dads girlfriend was there and her two daughters and i was like dad wheres the video recorder and he said jess thats getting old and babyish now just forget and open your presents okay its christmas day, in front of everyone and i was reall upset but just opened my presents. they always borrow my clothes and dont ask and they borrow my makeup and stuff (btw I am 12 my sister is 13 and my dads girlfriends daughters are 11 and 14) they make my room a mess and dad bought them an air bed for them to sleep on when they come but they just sleep in my bed and im like hello its my bed i need some space and i tell my dad and he says that they are guests. we are always with them all the time and we neverr get a spare moment with dad ever, at night he always gives us hugs and kisses (me and my sister) but tonight he walked in said night girls and walked out and went to bed I shouted dad about 10 times really loud until he heard me and i said come here and he came in and was like what? i know it doesnt seem big but all these little things adding up is a really big thing. next thing: at school everyone has like pulled someone ( snogged) and has boyfriends but i havent and i feel really, well i cant explain it just like an outcast idk if there is anything wrong with me or anything? this is me? the even worse thing is that my dads girlfriends daugther has taken my sister away from me xx please help me i have no one else to talk to about this

Carrer where you use your intellect and some physical activity?

Are there any carrers out there where you use your intellect often but you also get to move around a lot? (Not anything where you have to shoot or be shot at, though.)

What do you do when you like a girl but?

Don't date her. Think about this-she doesn't believe in condoms and seems to be a bit of a addict. Who else has been in there prior, leaving lord knows what kind of diseases? You have a daughter to think about. She needs a father who is free of STI's.

Explanation of quote: "society must take every means at its disposal to defend itself..."?

It means that a democracy must make sure that its most powerful institutions are elected, thus answerable to the people.

I have personal question for you atheists?

Admirable, my rear. How admirable is it to have so little respect for someone and be so arrogant as to ume that your book and it medieval "rules" are as important to them as they are to you? How self-righteous to think you personally can "save" someone, and to have a concentrated agenda to force your morality into law? I love how you people couch your totalitiarianism in terms of love and salvation when it's just meant to control and manipulate.

Mavs-nets trade?

I think that Jason Kidd is about to be all washed up. I would rather have an up and coming PG in Devin Harris, a big center in Lasagna Flop, and all those other guys that can contribute off the bench. I do not think they should of completed this trade...they did it to just say they have Jason Kidd....its just what the Suns did with Shaq. And look how that worked.

Where do all of the Disney princesses come from?

I think I've narrowed Ariel down to being in Italy or France but where are the others from? Snow White, Aurora, Cinderella?

Are these correct? [science- air pressure- barometers]?

Basically, you are correct. There are exceptions to those rules, but those are likely beyond the scope of your question.

How many miles should a 14 year old girl, [88-90 lbs] be running a day to stay in shape?

There is no way to get toned fast, period, end of story, its just not possible. If your talking about you want some abs and some definition in your arms and legs that would take six months MINIMUM, if you use weights and do sit ups for your abs. The one mile thing should gradualy be moved up to two, but dont over do it

What do think about this fantasy football draft? Rate it 1-10.?

For a 10 team league this team is not very good. MJD was obviously your first pick and he is a very solid RB to build around. But from there you got sloppy. There are other quality QB's that aren't the injury risk Warner is that you could have gotten later in the draft. I hope you didn't spend a second round pick on Steve Smith, you would have been much better served going RB in the second and wr in the third. T Jones is not a great 2nd rb, but he will be servicable if he decides not to hold out of training camp. If he does, with his age a factor, he misses out on important conditioning and opens the door for Washington and the rookie back and you could be in trouble there. I like Smith but Bryant is a big wild card with Leftwich at the helm and Berrian has limited upside with the two qbs Minnisota currently has and is very inconsistant. I really like Daniels at TE, i think he has 800 yds and 5-7 tds this year. Your bench is very suspect. Manning is a TERRIBLE fantasy qb, especially without Burress. Jamal is too old to make a big fantasy impact outside of one or two big games (good luck predicting when those will happen). Julius should not be counted on for anything less than a matchup play against terrible defenses. Driver and Mason are good veterans in the NFL but their fantasy upsides are quite low at this point in their careers. I guess my biggest problem is you don't have a true 2nd round pick on this team. You had the 18th overall pick with your 2nd rounder and i don't see a top 18 pick on this team other than MJD. Smith would be a good 3rd round pick but if you got him in the 2nd you overpaid and if you got T Jones in the second you really overpaid. You could sneak into the playoffs with this team in you played the matchups correctly but you wouldn't be a top team. I would rate this draft a 6 out of 10 for missed oppertunities and over drafting a few players.

USS kittyhawk comming to brisbane???

yes the kitty hawk is going to be in brisbane. i have no idea where it is going to dock but it will be arriving the 20th july.

Would you call this a stall tactic? (With bonus questions)?

my fav track so far jethro tull a new day yesterday simply becos they are my fav band of all time least fav track is dr octagon simply did not like it i think you should have had a turin brakes tune in there maybe under dog it is a stonking good tune i think the number 1 song will be Bohemian rasphody by queen its got everything a song needs

Which quote tattoo should I get?

i agree with your first answerer. it is you who will be living the rest of your life with it and regardless of what other people think, whatever you get, some people will like it, and some people will hate it, but it's you who goes and lives with it. and people come and go so it doesn't matter what you get. saying that though, i do like number 6. about the cowards!

Is my poem good, bad, lacking...?

it looks pretty good to the fact that i didn't read a single word. sorry but i' m too tired to read that novel.

Any ideas on what kind of costume to get for the mythological characters Eurydice and Orpheus?

My fiance are attending a banquet and we have drawn Eurydice and Orpheus as our characters, any ideas on costumes?

What was Julius Caesar's medical history?

Did he really have a brain tumor? What can you tell me about his medical status before his death? Anything you can tell me about his medical issues is greatly appreciated. thanks.

The legend of zelda twilight princess?

i have the legend of zelda twilight princess on wii and im wondering when i give jovani all 60 poe souls will he give me unlimited rupees as in my rupees never go down or do i have to keep going back to him to get rupees?

Should i feel bad for kissing someone if i ?

90% of people have 1 (oral ) by the time they are older anyway so it is not like you could ever for sure know if you infected someone else, even if they had an outbreak shortly after kissing you. Don't feel bad. I bet whoever gave them to you didn't tell you first.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Dialga...a dragon?

when pokemon D/P was first coming out I thought that Dialga was some sort of legendary dog being added to the trio (Entei, suicune, raiku) but i later found out he's a dragon. did anyone else think this and if so was anyone disappointed to find out that he's a dragon?

Why is it that one can always predict this kind of "Lying for Jesus"when bringing up various topics in Genesis?

Before Adam and Eve sinned, they wore nothing. They were naked. No animals were needed to be killed for their clothing. After sin, they needed to kill the animals for clothing.

I dropped my phone in a pool, I dried it off, it turns on and functions normally, but won't get service, why?

My phone doesn't seem to be damaged by the water. It is a Blackjack 2 and I dried it off pretty well, it functions perfectly, except for the fact it won't connect to my network, At&t, so I can't use it. How can I fix this?

Why do peers think i hav an accent?

Im half asian but look more asian. Its bettrr than people thinking i have a speech impedment but still. I have a speech impediment where i cant pronounce r's after vowels.

Moving, touching movie?

If you liked "Gandhi," then try "Schindler's List." Both are about battling against terrible odds in the face of murderous oppression. Also try "Michael Collins" and Rob Roy." More battling murderous oppression. All star Liam Neeson who was nominated for Oscars for several of them

Should I take tai chi at the zen temple ot taijichuan at the shaolin temple?

It depends on the style of tai chi that they practice.....usually it will be Chen, Yang, or Sun style. Chen styles has explosive movements and chi gung practice, Yang is mostly meditative, and Sun style is a blend of tai chi, Bagua, and Xing yi....the three major internal martial arts of china. That being said, I would take it at the shaolin temple.

Walter J Black Inc, Clics Club Library Series?

Black was an inexpensive reprint organization active in the 1930's and 1940's. They did not set type themselves but rented plates from other publishers and marketed their volumes through magazine ads and book clubs.

If they were to teach creationism, how exactly would the lessons go?

The science is the same. It is certainly possible to look at the evidence and come up with a different conclusion to the Darwin evolutionary position. Indeed, many would see that the evidence fits perfectly well with a design position so it would be a matter of just pointing that out. Why would anyone taking the naturalist position be afraid of that being pointed out? Wouldn't it be considered indoctrination just allowing one viewpoint to the exclusion of others?

When does the second Taylor Swift single come out for her new album "Speak Now?"?

I LOVE Taylor's new song speak now, but is she doing a countdown and releasing singles for the new album "Speak Now" like she did with "Fearless?"

I have white, cloudy spots on my formica. Will not come out? Not hardwater. Need help.?

The formica is @4 years old. No heat or chemicals have been applied or claimed to have been used. When wet they disappear, but immediately reappear after drying. Not hard water, as we dry after wiping down and the spots reoccur in the same area everytime.

Hello ! i have a problem .,.,i download final cut pro 7 .it get 3gb size.but i cont open it in my Pc window xp?

hello ! i have a problem .,.,i dowload final cut pro 7 .it get 3gb size.but i con't open it in my Pc window xp. i not have Apple mac Pc . setup extantion is .toast it does not open in window xp .it will be open when it will .exe .plz tell me how can i make it and install it in window xp Pc.

Please give opinions on the beginning of my story.?

its nice and it could go far. you just need a tad bit editing in the first paragraph. like the second sentence needs to be refrased but thats it. :D

How could energy conservation be improved ?

and how much would we have to conserve to make acid rain go away? also what would that do to the enviroment?

Something I'm puzzled about?

Ray Allen is the best shooter of all time. he might choke but if you ever look at his form his freethrow % and how relaxed he is you know ray allen is the best.

Have i started my period or not??!! Please help im really worried. =[?

When i came back from school i did the poo. And there was alot of blood on the backside. Then i checked the front incase it was my period and there was quite alot but not as much as on the behind. I thought i just might have cut myself. But it didn't hurt when i washed myself. So i went to the cl i go to after school and when i came back there was more blood. Now i'm quite sure it's my period and i'm really worried because i don't wanna have a period. Anyways i know all girls have to have one. Im 14 by the way. Anyways is it my period? I didn't feel a thing at all and no cramps.

Is it weird to get girl's contact like this...?

well, lets ee. its a good start. just walk up to her and be like,"oh!" like be suprised...and are you stalking this girl? it would be weird if you know everywhere shes going? im not sure. its kinda weird...if it was me, i would be like on lock-down because someone would be stalking me kinda, not saying ur a stalker, just thats how lots of girls would feel, ya know?

What are some team names and mascots that are about people other then Native Americans?

Trojans are people from Asia Minor, Celtics are the Celts who inhabited Brittania, Yankees are people from New England, Mets are "metropolitans" or people from large cities, Royals are royalty or people of royalty, Brewers are people who make beer and many more. Did your textbook say that or your professor?